loveee .

i am the author of my life . unfortunately im writing in pen and i can't erase my mistakes .

Monday, May 28, 2012

Weird misha being weird

HIIII! hey, mesti pelik after berapa tahun tak blogging tetiba start blogging pulak. Ni faka ah nii, tetiba sebut pasal blog. tak sangka dia baca blog gua ni. Auw auw, terharuuu. LOL KIDDING! met him at Melaka, i admit melaka guys sangat comel lol but i hate melaka, the road, the drivers, the traffic lights! my goodness!!
SALAH KE KALAU SUKA LOGO ILLUMINATI?! ok lah gua dah mengantuk ni, kalau nak story semua benda mmg takkan habis. LOL and yeah, skateboarding best (Y) *tetiba* Loveyouguysss *tabur bunga*

Sunday, February 6, 2011

4.30 a.m * school day . Hebat en aku ?

Now , 4.30 a.m , monday .
Hahahaha , memang mati ah aku nak cari time esok nak tidooo .
haha , ingat esok taknak skolah tp what to do . dah rindu mamats mamats penyeri hidup .
cewaaaaah , my ketiak *khai pun dah rindu aku ni .
syu jangan cakap ah .
eh eh , terperasan pulak :p
aku ni pagi pagi buta syok sendiri je update blog :p
dah lama tak update .
slalu update time bengang nak gaduh je :p
hahaha , beg skolah semua belum siap lagi .
haduyaaaai , buntut dah naik kebas duduk lama lama . nak tido takut tak boleh bangun .
haihhh , nak try tido jaaap ;)
k lah ni last update . lepas aunty sal balik UiTM taktau lah nak online pkai laptop sapa , papa kot . tp nanti papa nak pegi Franceeee , mintak mintak papa bawak meee :D
hihi , tak penah pegi France kot .
Muka dah berminyak , so nak pegi cuci muka then try tidoo kejap .
mintak mintak dapat bangun :p
GOODNIGHT readers ;)
take care , xoxo .

p/s : iloveyou omel <3

Chitchat ! maimaimai saya ada banyak ceritaaaa :)

Ni pic masa pegi Pangkor :)
Best gilaaa , snorkeling , main jetski . semua benda laaah .
hahaha , tp kaki , tangan semua luka :/

Ni pic masa otw nak letak barang dalam heli .
hahaha , bangga jugak ah sebab rmai tngk :p
masa ni dah nak balik Kl dah , bosan asyik naik heli je . tp jet lag jugak lah . nak muntah , loya , pening . semua ada lah .
hahahaha .

Hahaha , yang ni lawak sikit . tengah berebut gila babs nak duduk depan :P
pic ni nampak steady je padahal . hmmmm takyah cakap lah .
World war IV ni :p
akhirnyaaa terpaksa mengalah sebab papa ckp kalau bg adik duduk depan nanti papa ajar drive . Pandai lah papa nak suruh mengalah -.-

Ni pic masa pegi Disco skate dgn Farah , Elia and Farah's family .
kinda cool tho , comel kan rollerblade dia ?
four wheels , haha .
Murah je kot , haihhh , dah lah that time ada mamat comel <3
hahaha . dah dah lah tu mishaaaa asyik cari mamat comel je :p


Ni pic masa ikut papa ada briefing kat Morib .
haha , ada emergency training for Westar's pilot and stewardess . Me and adik pun ikut . Apa lagi ? join sekaki ahh , tp adik duduk tepi je sebab ada uncle ni offer nak ajar dia swimming ;)

haihh , penat jugak update blog ni :p


Waaaa waa waaaa !
first time main banjir , best gilaa wook .
first time memang ah geli .
but then biak pii lah , cek nak main banjir .
hahaha , baru aku perasan rmai jugak mamat kampung aku ni hot hot :p
hikhikhik , ada abang gatal tp comel . time aku tarik pelampung tu dia ckp .
'nak abang tolong ? haha abang ni ringan . boleh bawak adik naik skali '
hahaha , babi kau ingt aku berat ? :p
Thenn time tngh syok sendiri main air ada lah mamat comel lagi satu dia tangkap my pic pkai Nikon D60 dia . cehh stalker bhai aku .
apa lagi ? kena lah control ayu sikit :p sikit je tak banyak .
then tetiba papa pun call tanya kat mana , papa tak bagi pegi jauh jauh .
papa suruh patah balik tunggu papa . dah la masa tu tak tahan nak kencing :p
terpaksa lah tahan , then tngh sibuk text syu and haris tetiba lupa plak nak kencing .
hahaha , then jumpa papa trus pegi kat tempat dalam balik :)
coool gila , sumpah ! no doubt !
Ada kereta tenggelam , haha . orang tak rmai . sebab maybe terlampau dalam :p
papa bwk 1 beg ni , dalam tu ada camera . Bb papa and my bb .
then tetiba papa lompat turun from the air thinggy then beg tu mcm termasuk dalam air sikit then papa tarik . PHONE AKU BAWAK SKALI BROOO ! cuaks gilew .
hahaha , trus pegang phone tu smpai lah dah nak smpai rumah nenek masa nak turun from 'pelampung' tu tercelup lg sekali phne -.-
trus lari balik letak dalam beras sebab ada tngk satu video ni kat youtube pasal petua kalau phne masuk air , nenek pun ada ckp mcm tuu :D
Terpaksa lah malam tu pinjam phne Shima (cousin) . nasib baik dia tak guna :p
K lah , dah dengar cerita pasal banjir kan ? kejap lagi i'll update my blog again :)
seeeeeya .

R.I.P Omel :'(

Tepat pkul 1.10 , 5th February , bibik call along cakap Omel dah mati .
one day before that , i was crying like hell because as i arrived from Johor , i saw Omel lying behind my car , lemaaah sangat .
mama nangis on the spot .
faaaak , taknak update psl Omel , dada sakit nak nangis balik :/
R.I.P Omel , Allah lagi sayang Omel dr Kakak sayang Omel .
i wont forget you kitty .

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ketua Keceriaan :)

Hello everyone :)
Hows schl ?
mine was great because my crush stream in my class :)
2 years tunggu tahu tak ? :p
yesterday slept at 3 , because habiskan novel sweet sour yang dipinjam dari khairun .
The best novel ever !
Aaaaaah , try read it . teringin nak husband macam Joe :D
*in the novel
hahah , school oh school .
Nak pegi rehat pun sayang nak tinggal class sebab kentang satu kelas nak dia duduk belakang saya and syuhadah :3
hikhik , BEST LAH :)
senior senior yang cina sumpah comel :DD
haiyaaaa . i wish im a pretty girl :p
hahhaha , for this year . first time dapat jawatan ketua keceriaan .
susah jugak nak hias kelas . tapi better dari ketua kebersihan .
ada jugak nama yang melalak lalak suggest aku jadi ketua kebersihan .
haha , nak bagi aku mati ke apa asyik jaga kebersihan je . hahah
haha , esok pn teo cakap nak bg 1 hour ceriakan kelas .
boleh lah pun .
maybe malam ni pegi beli barang (:
Noah pun ketua keceriaan :)
he's cute tho :P
hahah , sempat lagi aku usha senior :p
Jumaat ni cikgu semua check kelas , hopefully kelas kitaorg kena puji :p
hiklhik , sedap sikit nama aku kena puji from Teo :p
HOHOHO , kentang comel .
and tangan dia yang berurat urat mcm abang gedangs tu sangat lah membuatkan dia nampak macho yang amat .
HAHAH , and and semua senior cina hot hot aku kenal , sebab fb and twitter .
tak rapat pun . haha
Yunjun nampak comel pkai sweater merah :p
time makan kat kantin tu part time cuci mata kejap .
hihi , tulang belakang and pinggang ni rasa sakit yang amat .
maybe sebab tido single bed tapi adik aku yang donat tu pun menyemak .
HAIHH , haha .
nak buat macam mana , terlebih uli :p
Harini tak pj , class pun banyak cikgu relief .
best lah jugak dapat borak borak , gelak gelak dgn kentang .
main truth or dare , or should i call true je . sebab takda dare pun :p
haha , sampai turn kentang aku tanya lah , Who do you like ?
then first dia jawab brian -.-
then aku ckp lah , girl lah . then dia jawab WENDY
aku punya darah punya lah menyirap dengar nama perempuan gedik tu ,
tetibe dia kata wendy wong . trus otak terfikir kakak dia .
then aku ckp lah , your sister ?
then dia gelak lepas tu ckp yeaaa .
FUUUUUH , tuhan je tahu mcm mana rasa lega tu .
Then aku ckp lah , your face 100% like Lee Min Ho .
then dia senyap , maybe dia tngh fikir .
then dia kata what class ?
BHHAHAHAHA , tak tngk tv ke mamat tu ?
Sorry :p tp benda ni memang lawak .
btw i think Ka Mun and Ka wye suka kentang .
ishh dua KA ni -____________-
in your dream lah :p
klah , dr tambah dosa baik baca sweet sour .
nak khatamkan buat kali ke dua :p
haha , kalau suruh baca buku . 2 page pun susah .
HAHAHAH , noah ni pun satu .
lambat nya reply sayang oi .
Klaaaah , boiiboiii :D

P/s : i love you more than i did before :')

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Relationship :/

Today , 20/12/2010 .
tepat 4 months single :)
what to do , orang tak cantik kaan .
haha , but i can live happily alone :)
but i still need someone by my side .
aiceeeh . next year dah form 3 .
maybe dah boleh start serious in relationship :)
haha , selama ni susah nak jadi serious .
why ? sebab taknak sedih masa break :/
i bukan macam normal girl . duduk rumah , cooking , gossiping , baking , shopping .
i suka lepak , eating , riding , skating , wasting , haha .
semua laah . and and i like outdoor activities .
so my skin is dark .
bukan sebab apa , but i malas nak pakai whitening cream and all girls' stuff .
i know after i 'cerah' , riding balik nanti sunburn lagi -.-
zzzz , haihhh .
ini lah misha , tak sabar nak tunggu rambut panjang :p
hihhi , btw i ada crush .
haha , k laaah .
maybe this is just a dreaamm :/
haihhh , cant wait to wake up from this 'dream' and face the reality :D

Monday, December 13, 2010

CIRI CIRI HUSBAND . aicehhh :p

Tengok headline poyo jee :P
tapi persediaan laah , haha . planning to engaged bila umur 23 :)
kawin 25 :D
hahah , ccooooool :D
i nak -

- BMW X6
- Kawasaki Mini 
- And a house .

thats all :D

k lah , takda idea .

kthxbai :D

Saturday, December 11, 2010


K is the most annoying answer ever .

I think from now on , im gonna start riding with friends .
and stop riding with Sj Fixed .
or maybe im out from sj fixed .
haha , for what riding with people who hate me ?
it will ruin their mood .
So , K lah :)
haha .
Btw , i admit one of my post is about you , Syabil .
im sorry k .
haha , fyi ni first time i say sorry .
maybe SJ Fixed changed me a lot .
Last time , i tak boleh breakfast . nanti sakit perut .
but since i joined Sj Fixed , almost everyday breakfast .
Dulu selalu bangun lambat , now ?
tak ride pun still bangun pkul 8 .
haha , dulu after i join Sj Fixed . i feel like this is my second family .
but benda ni tak tahan lama .

Haha , so from now on . Im gonna stop riding with Sj fixed :) *maybe ?
haha .

Btw , at least bila i sakit hati or tak puas hati i kutuk dekat blog je .
Bukan depan depan . I still boleh fikir perasaan orang :)

haha , so its up to you lah nak buat apa ?
Being annoying is fun :D
And and i memang since kecik lagi i gelak kuat , bukan macam perempuan lain .
i know i tak cantik , tak sopan .
but i thought real friend will accept who i am :)

Sorry again syabil :)
thanks for inviting me riding with Sj Fixed . i wont forget my first ride .

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Saya suka Awak :D

Hihi , helloooooo .
Nama saya misha , perangai saya pelik .
bila saya suka someone , dah tibatiba someone tu ada feeling yang sama terus saya tidak suka dia :O
haihh , so moral of the story .
saya tak perlu cari lelaki , takda guna :/
haha , and awaaaaaak .
saya suka awak :p
hiihi , im bored .
k bye :p

Lifeeee :)

Name: Misha
Full Name: Nurul Amisha bt Rohaizat 
Siblings: 4
Eye colour: Dark brown
Shoe size: 4 , 5 ,6

Hair: Not short , not long :p Bangs :)
Height: 161 cm

What are you wearing right now: black tshirt , black shorts and nike :)
Where do you live: Subang jaya , Selangor 

Favourite number: 7 and 25 ;)

Favourite drink: COKE ! :)
Favourite month: April and December :D 

Favourite breakfast: Coke and Roti telur :)

= Have you ever =

Broken a bone : Nope :)
Been in a police car : nope :)
Fallen for a friend: Yeaah

Fallen for a guy / girl in a short period of time : YESH :) 

Swam in an ocean: Yeaah , of course :)

Broken someone's heart : Yeah :/
Cried when someone died : Duuh , im a normal human being .

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : Yeahhhh :S
Saved e-mail: Yess .
Been cheated on : Twice.

= What =

Your room look like: Dark and messy . hihi i like :D
What is right beside you : My friend :D
What is the last thing u ate : Cendol and rojak mee :) 

= Ever had =

Chicken pox:  Yes , once . but kejap je :)
Sore throat : yeaah , banyak kali . oranng talkative lah katakan :D
Stitches: Banyaaak :3
Broken nose: Never D:

= Today did you =

Talk to someone you like?
Everyday <3
Kiss anyone?
Him , and my friend :)
All the time :)
Talk to ex?
Yeaah , now bestfriend :)

Miss Someone?
Mestilaaah -.- what type of question lah 
= Last person who =

You talked to the phone:?
Went to the movies with?
Khairun :)
You went to the mall with?
Khairun :) 
Who cheered you up?
Friends , Him ?

= Have you =

Been to Mexico?
Nope :(
Been to USA?
Once :)

= Random =

Have a crush on someone?
Yesssss :')
What books are you reading right now?
Apa barang bro baca buku , cuti skolah kan :)
Best feeling in the world?
Dapat fixie :D
Future kids name?
Josh Ryzal and Mia Zara :)
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
Tiger puppet :D
What's under your bed?
Shoes :)
Favourite sport(s)?
Netball , basketball and football :)
Favourite place?
Padang :)
Who do you really hate?
Dia -.-
Do you have a job?
Full time student :p
What time is right now?
5:22 pm 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Kak min yang kusayangi :')

hikhik , heeey .
tadi masa i marah then update blog mcm babi je , then tekan home dekat facebook .
ada 1 friend request , 1 msg in inbox and 1 notification .
all from kak min , dia tanya 'ingat kita tak ?'
i was thinking , whos the fuck is that .
so i clicked on her name and click view photos .
tengok tengok kak min .
fuck rindu gila babeng kat dia .
tengah wall post dgn dia , skali dia share link bout her blog .
saya terharu , kenapakah ?
sebab dia update pasal saya .
hikhik , fuck . i love her so much :DD

to : ysmn asyh - i love you kak ! <3

Oi jantan !

Kau ingat aku takda perasaan ke ?
buat lawak tak kena tempat .
aku je kene bahan , liesa pandai pulak jaga hati dia .
dah dapat bestie baru lupa kawan lama .
wtf , babi bitch gilaa .
sumpah seumur hidup aku tak penah dapat kawan mcm kau .
after buat aku sakit hati , kau cakap sorry then buat aku sakit hati lagi .
kau cakap itu kau punya perangai sebenar .
kau layan mcm tu kat aku je kan ?
orang lain tak pon . and one more thing , aku dah berzaman tak suka kau .
buat lawak yang menyakitkan hati then kata aku merajuk .
pape lah wei , bila orang dah tegur tu baiki ah diri .
ni kalau nak buat dosa hari hari , kau solat 5 waktu pun sia sia je -.-

Friday, November 26, 2010

Life is Hard !

Heyy , how are you ?
i just went back home from padang usj 3 and 4 .
haha , not in mood today .
im sooo tired and not in mood .
so dont ever mess up with me .

Im kinda sad today , i know im not important anymore .
but dont treat me like trash -.-
day after day , you make fun of me .
its not funny kay , i hate it .

And and yes , aku kerek , malas , suka emo , kuat touching , not perfect but please lah , bosan lah hari hari kena bahan , balik rumah semua cakap i merajuk , baru nak mintak maaf semua .
esok buat benda yang sama .
haha , aku bukan bodoh laah .
just dah bosan dengan benda ni .
aku saje je buat buat touching then blah sebab ?
sebab malas nak lepak sure sakit hati .

haha , takpa takpa , i kan baik .
i maafkan and sabar je :)
you got someone else special but just dont forget other friend .
tak baik .

k bye :)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Emo shit .

I know some people care about me .
but i dont know why i felt like no one care about me .

Just now you called me , i feel like i wanna cry sebab before this tak pernah orang tahu i sedih or tak .
maybe kebetulan je , but macam mana you tahu im not okay ?
Yes , im not okay .

i tahu lah dia suka you , i boleh nampak .
just be careful . cause she thinks that she can get what ever she want , and you !
maybe on her list .

sikit lagi i nak nangis , but i tahan .
sebab i taknak you sedih jugak kay .
you are important to me :)

night ;)

I think im not important .

Hey . im not in a good mood .
and thats why im updating my blog .
how are you readers ?
haha , btw im a girl .
i do jealous .
kaaay , and and with my friend ?
Girl , before this i always make you happy . but why you always make me like this .
i sanggup tak kawan dgn your bf sebab i want you to be happy .
but i know , you dont even care about me .
Boy , have you ever care about my feeling ?
Im not a tin of coke , that you can drink then throw me in the garbage .
Pleaseee lah , i dah bosan dengan semua benda ni .
i always help people that dont know what is love .
but why am i so unlucky in love ?
i know im not pretty , but please .
please care bout my feeling :/

And and , a jealousy can destroy a friendship .
trust me .
haishh , dah lah .
dah bosan dengan semua benda ni .

maybe you did this because you want me to hate you ?
maybe ?

But darling i still catch a grenade for you ;)

p/s : I love Sj fixed :)

Friday, October 8, 2010

10.30 malam .

heyyy , nak tau something tak ?

ada seorang budak perempuan . dia dah semangat nak pergi beli burger .
masa dia siap siap semua then she tell everyone dia nak pergi beli burger .
dah semangat nak keluar rumah , tengok jam dah pkul 10.30 malam .
dia tak sedar dah pukul 10.30 -.-
dia takut nak keluar rumah sebab area rumah dia senyap je .
dengan hati yang kecewa dia masuk bilik semula .
and here i am , updating blog about my stupidness .
haha , macam duduk dalam guaaa .
BODOH , k bye :)
have a nice day .

p/s : i love you .

Monday, October 4, 2010

October ! :D

i miss you so much ;(
btw heeey :)
awal october memang best :)
haha , today was so cool .
crack habis dgn lisa <3>
hihi , visit amirul yang degil!
sakit but still lie to his mom sbb nak kluar .
haha , went to summit .
weeeee , sangat sangat cool .
karaoke about 12 songs .
last song was superultimatediscobang!
wooohoo .
memang best ,
haha , amirul sangap 'sontot' arini .
hhaha , boyan gila .
naik bus asyik bahan org , first time naik bas mini yang penuh dgn bukan warganegara -.-
kesian minah tudung tu , kena bahan smpai bengkek .
haha , sorry eh .
orang malaysia mmg mcm ni .
and and to amirul , i tak berat an ?
esok pangku i lagi :P
hihi , selesa btul sofa .
haha , esok summit lagi .
hopefully tmrw best jugak ;)
k bye .
p/s : GOODLUCK to all PMR candidates and b :D

Sunday, October 3, 2010

I wish you'd want me as much as I WANT YOU

Hey ho :)
im so bored .
gaaah , yesterday sleep at 7.30 in the morning .
harhar , so cool .
i forgot to update bout Ee's open house .
gaaah , im so embarassed .
so many ppl and yeaah , thats the first time i meet Ee .
Lol , sangat sangat lol .
before i went to Ee's open house i eat Kfc and thats not a good idea .
haha , Ee ask me to eat but i said ' oh takpalah , jarang makan malam '
lol , epic moment .
haha , meet some saujana's student .
haha , it nice to meet them .
but why harith tak datang ? eeeeeee -_______-
tumbuk bru tau .
haha , gaaaah . i miss him :')
haha , 1 week tak dengar his voice .
im totally lost in my own world .
gish gish , so many problem come to me today .
lupa nak story , tadi pergi papa punya bos punya adik punya open house *ayat kewl .
haha , damn freakin nice .
haha , lol .
orang kayaa xD
suddenly everyone's stand up .
cuak moment sebentar , sbb Tan Sri a.k.a ze big bos datang driving one of his awesome car , Wolkswagen Polo (Y)
hikhik , papa cakap .
boss papa kaya teramat . ada more than hundred cars :O
and after balik from the open house papa bawak tengok rumah boss dia .
16 juta bhai!
woaaaah , and guess who's the neighbour ?
sultan pahang's daughter :)
rumah mcm castle *ke-envyness terserlah .
hahah , then papa and mama pegi rumah his friend and tinggal i kat mama's shop -____-
gaah , felt so sleepy bcause i tidur 3 jam je weeei D:
haha , you can't deny it .
hihi , before hantar along kat hostel . singgah mengenyangkan perut yang masih kenyang dgn mc'd !
wohooo , abis lah aku gemuk -,-
haha , otak stuck .
k lah bye <3
p/s : i miss you everydaaay :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

I jump you jump :)

Hello :D
how's life ?
mine is okayokay lah .
'kehidupan ini seperti roda , kadang kala kita di bawah and kadang kala kita di atas'
so tak boleh ckp anything lah :P
hihi .
malam malam saya suka merepek .
wengweng ,
R3mpitzz mar! h!kh!kzz . @wAk c3hatzz ?
fuuhh , mcm tu lah ayat minah gampang tu .
susah eden nak menghayati comment lazer taik kucing dia tu .
haha .
dahdah , lupekan about that bitch .
once a bitch always a bitch .
btw meet a new friend at fb .
im mean not new ,
dah lama , but baru tegur .
haha , WE LOVE TO JUMP ! :)
kan syahidil aizat kan ?
jom lompat almari lagi ?
BHAHAH , sorry lambat post .
asyik tumblr jee :P
hihi , my new obsession .
soo you can checkitout now yaw nigga .
follow me on twitter ;
or tumblr ;
hikhik *gedikz .
k bye .
lots of love , misha ;)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I miss you b ;(

Hello readers , after so many times Ainaa ask me to update blog now baru tergerak hati nak update .
haha , I LOVE FIXIE .
thats the first thing i wanna talk about .
currently today is the 'adkje' days i talk about fixie with my dad .
puas ku pujuk rayu but dia buat tak tau je -.-
today not goin to schl because headache and stomach ache .
terlampau gemuk kot :P
lol joke , aku bukan gemuk sngt *perasan sebentar .
uhh , went to taipan with papa and adik .
we're talk bout fixie and im pretty sure that he'll change his mind for buying me a fixie as a transport to schl .
wooohoo ;)
but he says ; sementara ni bwk lah Bmx tu pegi skolah -.-
aaah , takde takde .
better jalan kaki ;P
hahaha , gaaah . can't wait! :D

PMR !! D:

haishhh , itulah topic kedua .
first of all i wanna say GOODLUCK for all pmr candidates except kau! *budak yg perasan taik -.-
Hahah , lek lek .
to bb , study hard kay ♥
asal lah phone your parents boleh amik plak -.-
haha , trial trial trial .
Next year aku pmr :/
hahah , homaigod .
must score to get what i want :D

Budak gemuk keding yang i sayang ;) ♥

hihi , i lepschu :*
haha , i think this saturday im goin to your friend open house! :D
hoorey :DD
Pkai bju sama tau b :)
haha , goodluck for pmr again :)
do your best .

p/s : to elmo <3
Goodluck for Spm .
jangan asyik nak lepak je kay ?


boleh tak jangan ganggu hidup aku ni .
sudah sudah lah buat crita gebang taik yang aku tergila gila kan kau .
perasan macam minah senget .
dua dua control .
nak ckp aku bajet hot ?
kau cermin diri kau tu sikit .
p/s : aku rase semua org bajet hot dgn strangers .
tak mcm kau , selekeh mengelebeh -.-
tak habis habis nak kutuk org psl bf kau .
sudah sudah lah , kau baru tau rahsia psl bf kau tu .
dia yg start ckp ily sume -.-
for your information , entah brape puluh minah lain lagi bf kau tu flirt .
lain kali , takyah nak salah kan org lain .
yang bf kau tu pun satu .
buat cite gebang taik dia bgtau satu kampung aku ni tergilakan dia ?
fulamak , sumpah perasan .
kalau muka handsome tahap gaban tu takpa .
ni kalau stakat mulut sweet je minah rempit lain boleh ah tangkap cintan .
dgn aku sorry bro , tak dapat nye jeek .
dah lah ckp aku mintak cpl .
oh pleaseee , show me the prove please ?
stakat mulut gebang kau tu mmg lah awek samdol kau tu percaya .
to minah ayat rempit - kau percaaye ke bf kau tu pegi TS cari brg ?
dia nak cari awek lah wei !
depan aku dia boleh ckp dia single and nak tackle awek lain .
BODOH betul kau percaya kat dia .
Takyah nak ajak satu kmpg msg aku benda bukan bukan psl bf kau tu .
past is past .
bukan dia sorang je laki dlm dunia ni -.-
Omg , bodoh tahap mega .
mulut sial .
memang hancur habis ah , pkai je tudung but mulut mcm sial baik kau pegi colour rmbut kau tu perang bg sesuai dgn ayat rempit kau tu .
kau dr kampung mane wei ?

hahah , kay kay ,
malas nak ckp bnyk .
gooday ;)

I Miss You so much B :D ♥

Sunday, August 29, 2010

28th August 2010 ♥

hellomoto :D
28/8/10 :

12 a.m : meet ♥ at LRT station bandar tasik selatan :)
12.20 a.m : reach at Hang Tuah LRT station safely .
12.30 a.m : meet fizi and his girlfriend , kak eva and kak eva's friend .
12.35 a.m : start shopping :DD
3.15 p.m : me and kak eva busy finding for some chairs to seat :P
3.30 p.m : finally found some chairs kat tempat snooker .
watching ♥ main snooker . hebat tahap mega :O
4.00 p.m : nmpaknya dia dah habis main snooker ;P haha
4.05 p.m : main Daytona :) 2 times .
- 1st , misha . 2nd , fizi . 3rd , ♥ .
- 1st , fizi . 2nd , misha . 3rd , ♥ .
main snooker je pro :P
then kiteorg tngk ada 1 mamat cina ni comel je . main game basketball terer tahap dewa :O
eh eh , i dah lupa dah apa yg jadi kat TS .
and kiteorg pegi 2 tmpt je .
Times Square and Sungei Wang .
nmpk mamat mamat showdown kat TS .
hoho , geram dgn kasut diaorg :O
btw , ♥ nmpk hot gila in white .
with his acid wash jeans , romp's long sleeved shirt , onitsuka tiger's shoe and cap .
and beg tiger dia :D
sangat sangat hot . rase mcm nak peluk je .
but jgn lupa .
he's not single :'(
HAHA , i asyik teringat je 1 quote ni .
'eleh , baru couple . orang yg dah kawin pun boleh bercerai '
to sape sape yg terasa : ' kau bru cpl dgn dia , anytime boleh break :P ' *evil laugh .
ehh , now i tngh online + chatting + texting and editing pic .
so lama gilaa nak update blog .
hahah , idea bnyk nak tulis but after buat all on the same time dah lupa nak tulis apa D:
haishooo -.-
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥, kenapa lah kau comel sangat ?
eh , i gtg lah .
thanks for reading mah blog yaw nigga .
hikhik .
p/s : jaga my watch elok elok eh ♥
itu our kenangan *ceeh , berjiwang karat :P
and and i lepchu ♥

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


hey stalkerz .
hahaha , welcome to my oldlame blog .
hahah , now ppl use tumblr and all that but i dont really care .
haha , today's kinda bad day .
too many problem .
hahah .
1 - wake up late and must wait for aunty again .
2 - about <3
3 - friends problem .
and now , bout money .
hahaha , aah .
i dont really care .
btw btw , abriza sleep at my house and we have fun using omegle to make new friend .
lol ayat parya .
hahaha , im bored and now im still omegle-ing .
hahaha , soo tata .
i'll update my blog soon .
hihi , tmrw wanna go kl with alisa .
my yawlesbo friend .
HAHAHA , ahh .
so sleepy now .
haha , its 7 am but i havent sleep since last night .
kyaaaa ~ bye
p/s : アッザム♥

Friday, August 20, 2010

hihooo :D

hello :D
puasapuasapuasa , gahh .
saya sangat tidak menyukai puasa .
like duhhh , sape suka :P
soo , i think my life is so wonderful now .
thanks to you ♥
hihi , so just now baru roundround dgn wawa *a boy
haha , his face like my lil bro so maybe i will call her bro too .
soo to all , jangan salah sangka aku dgn dia .
haha :P
gaah bosan .
oh oh (!)
just now i try
damn cool but there's so many perv .
eeeeww , haha .
went to bazar for the 2nd time with my aunty .
and its my luck wey , i saw him ♥
hahaha , this monday is his birthday ♥
LOL , kay ahh .
ciou lah .
to abang ngah : sure skrg kau dah tau an ?
hihi , senyap senyap sudeyh .
p/s : ilyt ♥ hihi

Sunday, August 15, 2010

best month ever :D

hey peeps .
how are you ?
me ? super foine .
hihi , so psst psst .
wanna knw smthing ?
i got Supra and Volcom's cap .
wohooooo , sumpah .
mcm nak nangis bila dapt :')
hihi , uhhh DRAAAMA :D
ceh , biasa . misha lah katakan .
so , i started to like somebody else but still like phantom too *a bit .
haha , maybe should i call that dude volcom ?
haha , i like that word yaww .
hahaha , volcomvolcomvolcom :D
so , thanks for my KMT's friend .
hihi , sbb kau lah aku jd kwn dia :D
HIHI , uhh .
feels so tired now cause i only sleep for 2 hours .
haha , takpalah .
aku dah happy gila sampai nak mati .
but tngk lah happy smpai bila sbb maybe today i'll get my geo's exam paper back D:
so wish me luck yaw .
p/s : diaaaa sangat comel :D
macam mintak penampar ♥

Thursday, August 5, 2010

F you suckers !

hey ho :D
my life feel much better after meet someone .
uhh , i mean 2 ppl :D
haha , dont get it wrong .
1 is new bestfriend and 1 is .... :)
hihi , sooo malas nak crite psl mamats and minahs yg bajet comel dgn suara mcm baby tercekik susu tu , hahaha .
tak comel pun :P
i feel like today ni mcm last day of schl .
hahah , phantom ?
arini takde story mory psl dia .
smlm ada .
haha , cant you see that im in love .
haha , mamat justin bieber .
kau memang terbaik :D
hahaha , bru 3 hari kenal dah mcm 3 tahun .
supportive btul :Y
haha , comelcomelcomelcomel .
gahh , otak dah stuck dgn bnyk crita and gossip .
malas nak cite pasl pj , agama and english tadi .
so nak tido , night :) *wavewave
p/s : hopefully phantom and mamat justin bieber tak baca blog ni *crossfinger

Saturday, July 31, 2010

- phantom
- mamat rambut justin bieber
- abg sakit tangan
- kriss
- mc flurry
- pisang penyet
- kentang penyet
- roti boom
- budak comel .
- cupcake
- slimy wedges
- e-one
- momochi
- chocotop
- blazerz
- cornetto
- icekimo
- taeyang
9 moreeeee , forgot -.-
sooo , good day dude .

Friday, July 30, 2010

Twelveans talent search :)

Hey ho , although talent search dah lepas lama .
but i baru nak update .
bak kata ainaa , LAME !
haha , lame is the new cool :)
its the best day ever cause i saw phantom.. AGAIN !
hihi , he so hot *mati kecomelan xP
as usual , semua nak tip top .
vijaya said we must wear smart casual .
sooo , tadaaa !
sexy mexy semua ada :D
padan muka .
reach schl around 7.50 .
haha , 8pm kinda boring .
9pm .... its rock and roll timeeeee .
haha , suddenly i saw phantom with his group to perform .
i shout like hell with syuhadah *scream :)
saranghae dude ;)
eh eh , back to this new post ;)
then i started eating my glowing lollipop and walk around schl's building .
everyone was like 'damn cool wey . where did you buy those stuff '
hahah , cool huh ?* perasan
some lucky ass win 2k .
mane lah skolah cilok duit tu ><
hahaha , walk to 7e at 11.20 .
saw phantom again .
he was soooo skinny :O
haha , i love the way he laugh .
shoo adorable .
haha .
i think lovebug just bite me :))
hahah :D
soooo , i cant rmbr so much .
so thats it .
chaooo :))
p/s : aku obses dgn phantom . so whaat ? bukan kau punya :P

Monday, June 28, 2010

i'm okay without you .

hey readers :)
so im not in mood now .
folio and homework havent finish yet .
ahh , forget bout it .
gahhh , MR . X .
you're so caring with my friend but why not me ?
uhh , maybe i rare lepak with you ?
blarghh .. and and nickname that ppl always call 'bitch 1' now its a big issue .
cause MR.X just find out that many ppl like to call 'bitch 1' a rude-nickname .
he supposed to investigate first .
i thought 'bitch 1' doesnt care what ppl call her ==
or maybe MR.X too caring ?
and and ni nak story mory psl 'bitch 2'
she's a good friend (last time)
then i found out that she backstab me ==
i always asked my friend that am i too bad or rude ?
or something something , but the answer always the same .
glad to hear that . but what happen 'bitch 2'
takut ke nak ckp depan depan dengan aku .
kau kluar dgn mamat tu kau cite sume benda .
kau ckp aku ni lah , tu lahh .
kau tu pandai sngt ke simpan rahsia ?
ckp org je lebih ==
dari dulu lagi aku tau perangai kau mcm sial .
dah laaah , chiaooo readers .
p/s : dont ask me who's the fuck is MR.X , 'bitch 1' and 'bitch 2'
bye ~!

Friday, June 25, 2010


yesterday (friday) was hari guru .
for me it a blast and happy day.
a day that full of sweet and good memories because for the first time i perform in the middle of tapak perhimpunan with thedamnhot sun above my head .
haha , but im not sweating .
my mouth cant stop complaining and blablabla .
wakes up 'a bit' late and luckly encik shuhily can pick me up :)
thanks cikgu !
hehe , sampai je skolah i saw all of my 'zapin familia' dah pakai bju 'shantik-shantik'
macam raya pulak .
hehe , teacher ask me to tied my short hair .
then decorate my hair with damnbignyonya's flower .
hahaha . gah gah . my head is blur right now *silent + cricket's sound
btw , just now is portugal vs brazil D:
both ronaldo hebat sangat .
i cant watch it live because my mom didnt suscribe astro 811 for fifa *if not mistaken
haishh , so i just wait for tmrw morning msg from maxis to tell me the result (Y)
performance from wei fang was a blast .
everyone watch her performance with a 'dropdownjaw'
haha , damn awesome weyy . after our host of the day , abang afiq nazar asked all of us to stand and walk 'in the line' untuk balik . everyone was rushing like a golddigger's found a new place to dig gold :-S *it sounds weird =X
7 eleven , congrats . anda sangat laku today smpai melekit lekit the floor ==
hahaha , jumpa mama hot a.k.a hantu hari kantin ;)
uh uh , dia sangat hot (Y)
then after my mom fetch me straight away pegi mydin .
photostat something and pay my bro motorcycle's road tax then pegi subang parade and carrefour . hujan lebat gilaaaa -.-
thanks for make me sick .
and itu my last word for today .
tired and sleepy soo chiaooooo (H)
btw sorry my ayat mcm &%$# because i dont know what to say .
boring ~

David Robert Joseph Beckham

hey peeps .
lama sudah aku tak updateeee .
hehe , now is 1:55 a.m
and im still searching for beckham's photos .
hehe , my new obsession :)
no one can stop me .
heyyy , dia sangat hot (L)
and tall :) 183 cm which is 23 cm taller than me .
sooo , maybe today im gonna post more than 2 story .
heheh :)
he's a good guy and a good football player (Y)
how do i knw ?
aku check video and his photos for 6 days kau tau tak ?
i love beckham's teeth .
i knw its weird , but when i like somebody .
i'll check their teeth and nail first xD
hehe , alaa setakat mamat malaysia ni apa la sngt . but ade yg hot jugak :P
fizo ? jehan miskin ? bagi free aku taknak .
if awal ashari ke sam bunkface ? perggh blah! amik kau aku cop dulu xD
urghh , i love you beckham :)
okay , i think i should stop talking about him all night long so that you guys will keep continue reading this crap without clicking the X button up there :
soo , mucho chahossss :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


ainaa ask me to update my blog .
but i lazy .
takda mood .
this week tired with zapin =.=
and and tmrw which is today (wednesday) is my last day of schl .
hahaha , then i say 'tataa' to schl for 2 weeks (L)
btw i gtg .
i got an idea to edit my pic .
xoxo :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010


hey , this is me .
i started to hate myself :3
why ?
ntah , today supposed to be a good day .
i remembered my birthday , korang kate semua pegi but 4 orang jee .
gahhh , i hate to say this word .
ape korang tau ckp sorry .
weyy , other than word 'nevermind' ape yg boleh aku buat .
if aku bengang gile korang tak suke .
ckp inilah , itulah .
ehh , pikir lah sikit , if korang moody sape yg tanye kat korang , if korang gaduh sape yg tolong ? , if korang sedih sape yg calm kan korang , if korang 'down' sape yg cheer you up .
aku malas nak mengungkit but please ah , tau lah kwan kite rmai but ingt ahhh org kat sini .
if korang ade 1 million friend pun layan ahh semua .
bukan memilih nak layan sape .
if aku tak layan merajuk plak ckp aku bengang kat korang but please ingt .
aku bukan mcm korang , aku layan org lain jugak .
if ada secret aku bgtau then korang ckp aku tak pandai keep secret but if tak bgtau ckp aku kerek plak (F)
pastu , if korang dah okay aku plak yg rase bengang .
if tak boleh pegi tu ckap awal awal , kang aku cancel plan kluar aku yg kena marah . bukan korang .
weyy , im not a robot .
i have feeling too !
i gtg , malas dah nak update , buat sakit hati jee .
sooo , sape yg terasa . bagus lahh .
ingt lah sikit ,better ade kawan dari musuh .
soo , im out ==

Monday, May 17, 2010

shout whenever , and i'll be there :D

hey yum :)
today is monday , but i tout today is sunday .
oh my zee god , i dah hilang ingatan D:
i dun even rmbr what time i sleep , where i sleep and banyak lahhh .
haha , zaya zadi zangang zekejap .
zahahahaha .
at schl kena marah =.=
hahaha , but i got ferrero rocher from aina .
thanks .
alaaa , setakat kena marah , tak mati punnn .
eh eh , tadi i banyak story nak mory kat korang .
but dah lupee *dushdush .
soooo , bye lahhh .
haishshhhh <3

Sunday, May 16, 2010

zengong zelalu :D

how are ya readers ?
bosan dohhh .
i sooo happy :)
sebab dah tak demam , yay me!
btw today nothing special cause im not goin anywhere .
just now i makan hotdog special kat kedai infront 7 eleven usj 4 .
omg , super sedap .
hmmm , feel so hyper today but at the same time bored .
oh oh , i just remember .
this morning i pegi kl , PWTC .
awesome dohhh , am i look like college student ?
i pegi jobstreet punya things (i forgot the festival's name)
about job job lahh . ada airasia that offer ppl jadi stewardess and maybe pilot .
awesome kan ?
they offer me cause that time i pegi dgn my aunty .
hahaha , feel so happy but hav to tell the truth , im FOURTEEN T_T
*sobsob . soo i under age lagi .
and i dapat many offer such as host media corp , works at Zara . gaji 2000+ babe D:
haishhh , sedih lahhh .
sooo , i malas wan to talk about it lah .
sooo tataaaa :DDD
enjoy your day . xoxo

Saturday, May 15, 2010

zeningzening :)

zeyyy , zow zare zouuu ?
zorry , zi zike zo zalk zusing z zword :))
zaya zangat zosan .
zooo , zy zlog zill ze zike zhis :)
zeningzening .
zaihhh , zi zot zoo zyper zecause zi zemam :(
zgrr , zi zunno zwhat zo zalk zabout .
zoo , zye zye .
ztmrw zi zwill zupdate zy zlog :)
zeeya :) <3

Thursday, May 13, 2010

bonamana :)

hey peeps , miss me ?
awww , hahaha . imyt :)
sorry tak update almost 1 month .
hahaha , too 'busy'
haihhh , schl is awesome now (Y)
and and , i dah lama tak kena marah by ..... ngeee :))
hahaha , today okay okay lahhh .
as usual , thursday is solat jemaah day :))
and and for the first time i follow the 'imam'
hahaha , awesome dohh .
and and i missed qyyum's suprise party and it sucks dude .
stuck in a jam for 2 hours , so i missed the fun .
haihhh , just belajar karangan berpandu about 'cara-cara mengatasi kesesakan lalu lintas di Malaysia' . aku buat kaw kaw :)
hahah , i wish my karangan can sent to PM .
hahaha :D
so , karangan ? chiaooo .
love ? mari mari . LOL *winkwink
gosh , it sounds sooo retarded :3
sooo soo , i miss my kajang's rocker , skss's bitch and fourian's brader .
ngeh ngeh , i dun even knw whatahell am i typing about *pressbackspacee
LOL , i missh him :)
and and forgot about the hot news .
- syuhadah's phne kena rmps D:
- pn arni cursed *high five dude .
- lalalove :)
- super junior's fever
hahaha , and i kena bieber fever but dah nk okay :)
hhahaha , thanks for read this shit crap .
nite nite :D
<3 honey bee :)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

i will fall for you :)

tuesdayy :)
im not goin schl today .
hmmm , doin hmwrk since i woke up until now =_=
soooo takda life .
but rest bnyak kali .
ahhaha , watching korean stuff for the whole day :)
miss my slimy wedges :D
hahaha , soooo . tmrw i think i stayback at yasmin's hse .
and make plan for this sunday *keningkening .
i dunno what happen to me but i cant stop singing Justin bieber's -baby- song and billionaire by travis mccoy :)
hahahah , i wanna be a billionaire soo frikkin bad !
soo today i missed mr 'tercekik's sivik class :P
hahaha , next week have to pass up my sivik project =_=
but i havent start anything yet .
hehehe :P
tmrw gonna wear pinafore .
cant wait for this weekend .
its gonna be a blastt weekend :))
hahaha , but i kinda mad bcause of stupid fb .
i tout oni me facing this problem but most of my fren cannot online too .
haihhh . so i dunno what to talk about so ..
see yaaa *:)

Monday, April 19, 2010

monday TT_TT

i hate monday .
grrrr , monday sucks .
but today he made my day .
hahaha , friday he absent to school T_T
but today he come .
sooo , i very semangat after saw him .
hahaha , does it great ?
bak kate juju , the magician :D
hahaha , hmmm .
nothing happen today.
just a normal monday without pj .
hahah , but encik abu khuzaifah * i think , relief in my class for the 2nd time .
hehe xD
go kaunseling for a while then gossiping about ppl profile pics in their personal file in kaunseling room .
im a girl , so please understand .
girl = gossip .
thats why got a show called Gossip Girl :)
hahaha , walk at jejantas bahind momochi :)
so , i dunno i still like him or not .
but i dun really understand why ppl so 'jakun' when i say "ohhh , he's hot man!"
"eh eh , look at him , damn hot . i loike him :)"
and they was like , "misha , how many ppl that you like ? player lahh "
duhhh , i just 'LIKE' , not 'COUPLE' wif them .
korang ni baru keluar gua ke ?
ni 2010 lahh .
not 1987 =_=
haha , random year .
LOL , cant wait for this wednesday .
project kayu kemahiran hidup .
Hahaha *hyper + tired .
im so f***ed up !
why the eff my fb not working =_=
and and the meebo thinggy ?
haihhh , F lahh .
so now im chatting wif jeff and some other guys .
and searching pic at
hmmmm , fine lahhh , im using my desktop background pic :)
soooo , misha is signing out :)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

bing bing baaaa :)

helloo yello , so today is sunday .
thats means tmrw hav to go school ==
why monday to saturday is sooo long , but why saturday to monday is sooo near .
hahaha , yesterday me and liesa having a good sleepover :)
we dun hav any plans but things get awesome-ier :) when me and liesa spent our time camwhoring using webcam and camera :)
we use about 3 laptop . keke^^
and eat every 2 hours .
life is fun that day .
but things get upside down bcause my dad offered me to go shopping at Kl but he lied ==
first i wanna join liesa hanging out at pavillion and times square but liesa also tak jadi pegi -_-
hahaha , LOL .
now i started to like LOL thinggy .
hahaha , its kinda annoying but its fun to annoy ppl :)
so now im updating my blog in my kitchen .
so what ppl do in the kitchen .
of course lah EAT !
sooo , i wanna eat breakfast now .
tataaaaa :)
p/s : sorry cause soooo long didnt update my blog :)
ily :D

Sunday, April 11, 2010

AND1 basketball match ♥

love love love , you come on the right time .
hahaha , today such a fairytale :)
wake up in the morning , feeling like p.diddy or should i say misha :)
hahaha , me and yasmin wait for bus about 12 minutes then we terpaksa search for cab .
hahaha , lol . 6 bucks oni :P
haha , then reach there .
our eyes like WOAHHH , banyak hotstuff weyy .
then walk walk walk , suddenly theres 1 guy that i called jonghyun-look-alike (shinee's member)
say hi to mee ♥ .
haha , i was like :) *winkwink . LOL!
then find my bro , yi xuan .
then saw kentang and many ppl :)
hahaha . i spent half day wif lalalove , slimy wedges ♥
hahaha , soo after this i will make yasmin upload the pic as fast as she can :)
♥♥♥♥♥♥ , and i buy basketball's shirt :)
and got extra-special gift :P
slimy wedges basketball shirt .
he gave me .
lol , okay .
byebyeee .
i will talk wif you all later :)
byeee , sorry this is sho shimple :)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

wednesday :)) *ponteng :P

hello! my dearest friend :)
hahah , supp ?
so today nothing fun fun happen because me and khairun fllyyy :)
i ponteng halal , khairun ponteng haram . keke^^
morning go koko .
first day i come koko . haha , but i act like senior :P
hahaha , i became the krs comander thinggy .
hahaha . its fun to marah2 ppl :P
then go istilah , awesommeee .
hahahah , kentang all ada :)
hahaha , then go to wern ting's house . damn nice .
me and khairun show our dance to her .
then we created new choreograph for the dance , the part slow onee .
then we watch tv .
sports about the skatting thinggy :)
hahah , then go back home .
so now , me wif khairun lying on bed and facing the laptop now .
hahah , we use 2 laptop :)
hhaha , so , after this maybe practice again .
so cha chaooooo :)

happy tuesday :)

tuesday kinda boring .
morning , my fren come to my hse .
aeisyah , aina , khairun and yazz .
haihh , ainaa . pahal lah kau tak join ?
then we go to schl .
thank god we're not late :P
then enter the class with a good mood xD
rehat time i eat so much .
sandwich chicken slices , 2 big donuts and milo ice :D
hahaha , huh ?
i dont care about my weight .
can exercise maaa :)
then then after rehat , my stomach is fully loaded :P
then i was like washing my hand with some mineral water then suddenly cupcake hold my hand <33 *winkwink .
today he kacau me many times make me geram and happy at the same time :))
soooo thats all about schl .
i forgot what happen at schl just now .
got spot check .
hahaha , luckly i dun bring my phne . but juju's comic D: .
luckly tak kena d'merit .
hahah , but aeisyah and aina f 's phne kena rampas :P
hahaha , pity them .
finnix many ppl bring phne but dun kena rampas one coz in this thing we all pro .
hahah , smarter than amiga :P
hahaha , after schl straight away go summit :b
my sis hav to fine some shoes for her to wear at her college =.= *poyo
my dad wanna buy for me a boot but i say okay ke ?
then he say okay la jugak . then he forget bout the boot thinggy =.=
hahhah , and and i just bought a new malay version epop and guess what ?
its 2PM's poster !!! :DDDD
hahah , tmrw i think i wanna go koko .
scared got no marks for my koko .
i never go before :P
so i think after this im gonna go sleep .
so thats all from me .
chaaa chaaoo :) * i love my new word

Monday, April 5, 2010

new postt * yelling :)

hallelulaaa :)
see , i changee it .
eh eh , btw hello :)
thanks for click at this link :
hahaha , so how are yaa ?
today i chat wif many ppl started wif , 'heyy , how are ya ?'
dontcha think its weird ?
hahaha ,LOL .
so , morning i have new schedule from monday till this thursday .

8 am : wake up *alarm~~ , then shower .
9 am : fren arrive at home :)
9.30 am : start dance practice :D
11.30 am : lunch .
12 am : get ready to schl :)

hahah , cool tak ?
then today kat skolah datang lambt .
try to run away from prefect but still kena caught =.=
hahaha , then theres a smoothhh fighting between me and the lala pengawas :)
keke ^^
then goo bbi .
today is my luck coz puan maliga give some speech at form 1 roll call .
then i was like *pheeewww , khai cepat before maliga came here !!!
ahahhah , then enter the class with semangat yg tinggi .
cehhh , but smngat jadi rendah coz tak buat hmwrk geo o.o
hahaha , kinda cacat .
but its normal . that was my habit :P
but today note semua lengkap :P
styleee much ?
hahaha , *rriinnggg~~~
rehat -
hyper hyper coz geng geng hyper nation kat situ :P
hahaha , weng wenggg :D
then agama class .
jawi jawi jawi . i dunno jawi but i now a bit jawa :))
then pj for 30 minutes .
we do our 'ujian segak'
all girls wear pj shirt .
only me wearing schl uniform . lmao
hahah , but still .. kena buat .
hahaha , mcm kampung gila :P
then perhimpunan 1 hour 15 minutes D:
*penyampaian hadiah * pertunjukan robot *speech =.=
hahaha , balikkk trus tukar baju then go to Giant .
i nipiskan my hair yg super thick .
hahah , my head tak rasa cold bcoz of my hair :P
hahaha , so now kinda cold my head .
brain freeze :)
my heart now lock . but brain stuck , so now blur edi :)
ainaa sleep edi , soo THAATHAAA :)

4 - 4 - 2010 :)

up : happy moment :)

up : silly face :D

down : photo booth :)

sunwayyy :)

so yesterday , i lepak2 wif my fren at sunway .

i mean the fourian fella :)

hahaha , firstly when they ask me to hangout .
first thing that i think is . ' oh shit , sure awkward gila .

thenn things get upside down .

tak awkward langsung .hahahaha .

anis picks me up at usj 4's shell * tmpt isi minyak .

then 10 minutes later , we arrive at sunway .

hahaha , then 2 hours later marini join us .

hahaha , it was fun .

talking bout schl ( pfft >.< ) , gossip ( thats my job )

hahah , and and for sure EAT :)

hahaha , but yesterday weird sikit .

selalunya when hangout tmpt makan will be mc donald , kfc or blablabla .

but yesterday we eat at jusco's food court and restaurent ayam penyet *kentang penyet :)

hahah , then later later later farah and aurelia join us too .

but anis terpaksa go back home because of AZMI*her dad :P

haha , haihhh . pity her .

nothing much that we do . window shopping , arcade , chilling and photo booth <3>
hahah , so i wanna called it superfuntwelviesandfourieshangoutbodohbodoh :)

thats all from mee , it simple but so meaningful for mee .

soo , cha chaooo .

Sunday, March 21, 2010

encik sharil's farewell :(

haihhh , cant believe he's leaving us .

btw the farewell is a blast .

i ♥ it .

hahaha , many people come ^^

hahaha , at holiday villa .

i reached there around 6.30 then the party started around 7.40 =.=

haihhh , i got so many pic . but if you wanna see , just click at wan ruqaiyah's facebook pic **




done !
hahahahha , okay lahh , i dunno wat to say

so bye bye

Monday, March 15, 2010

biingga bongee .

woahh , my headline sounds weird .

hey guyss , *stomach ache .

hahaha , now i tengah tahan my stomach ache .

haihhhh , i love heels !
thats all .
hahaha , i wish i can get one of those shoes :P
byee byee , btw its a boring day .
please click the x button up there :P

Saturday, March 13, 2010

you look kinda cute :D

hahaha , i love that song .
'you look kinda cute in that polka dot bikini girl' :S
hahaha , btw hey guyys .
long time no see .
today got usj 5 family day .
yesterday was a BLAST !
me , khairun , aina , lisa , izaaz and ifwat lepak-ing tgther .
then we all decide for the next 'lepak-ing place'
suddenly i said , EH EH , SUMMIT JOM .
then izaaz and ifwat ' NO HAL LAH'
khairun and aina a bit scared coz they skip schl :P
then we all take 2 cab .
1 cab for me , khairun and ifwat and the other cab is for izaaz , aina and lisa .
total of the $ = rm 12 .
hahaha , kindda cheap .
then reach summit we all decide to 'take a short tour' in 2nd floor .
then i saw noah :D in's shop .
hahaha , both of us like , 'EHHH , DIA LAHH' :P
hahaha , then go karaoke , eat and arcade-ing for a while .
then eh eh , its 6.20 pm !
me and lisa not really care about the time but aina and khai ?
both of them suppose to change to uniform back and walk home D:
40 minutes left and we were wasting time bout 10 minutes to wait for the bloody fcuk bus =.=
then we decided to take a cab then suddenly we DEBATE about the 'tambang'
hahaha , then misha's briliant idea was come right on time , hahaha .
i was like ' weyyy , lari ah blk '
psst psst , i forgot to mention that , that time was raining heavily like hell !
hahaha , it kinda fun .
my phne kena hujan now cacat !
must bring it to phne shop before my parents knw D;
hahaha , my iPod =.= dekat alisa :(
today , hmmm , i mean yesterday : 13/3/10
it kinda happy day .
im lonely then suddenly someone hit my shoulder .
and she was amina , the new fren a.k.a form1 girl .
in a short time we both be a good fren :D
hahaha , then then this is the KEMUNCAK CERITA (antologi)(plot) ,
i saw SHAWN LEE !!!!!
he is super duper cute and pro .
do you know him ?
he is malaysia number one beatboxer !
if you wanna check him , you can click : :D
and i saw jeremy johari boss .
i was like ' ehhh , jeremy lahh ' *shy shy dog :P
hahaha , today feel so sleepy lahhh .
night everyone .
loveya !

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

MSSD hebat !

today , mssd last day yawww !
superb awesomeee .
meet my long lost fren ( =.=" )
anis , fitrah , marini and bnyk lg .
then then got like 4 or 5 girl told me that got 1 boy muka sama like me -.-
his name was zariff .
from smk bukit jelutong .
hmmm , so i guess bukit jelutong is orang kaya punya tmpt so thats means he's a rich kid .
woa woa .
we like chatting a bit with anis and all my fellow fren :P
hahaha , then after that encik sharil ask all twealveans to pegi duduk tmpt twelveans .
no lepak-lepak at canteen -.-
then the final event start .
all sprinter run as fast as they can coz want to make their schl proud .
many ppl that i kenal run .
hmm , like zariff a.k.a zasha ( zariff + misha ) * annur's idea , carlos , kanta rubeen , akmal , wee sheng , euzarif and many moreee .
i was shouting like hell !
hahaha , cacat kan ?
standing beside mcflurry for a while make me proud , and standing infront of kentang and pisang also make me happy :)
hahahaha , then then twealveans got 2nd place for keseluruhan , 1st place .. duhhh , puchong .. AGAIN!
haishhh , then in the bus not very awesomee , theres one 'big' girl flirting wif kentang :(
haihhh , but but got 2 'clowns' make me laugh :D
thanks weeyy .
they were touching each other 'ball' .
sound so gayyy!
haihhh , i just finish shower so need to pakai baju .
byebyeee :)

Friday, March 5, 2010


wassup !
i just reach home from schl and searching for my laptop :D
my mom got a brand new laptop for her birthday =.=
ei ei , i only got iPhone ?
haihh , not fairr !

btw aina f and annur stayback at my hse before schl .
it very fun coz i was shooting a video clip :P
hahahaha , sounds funny .

btw today is the funniest and happiest day !
1. we make fun about BESAR PUNYA !
2. we learn about NIKAH , fyi nikah is marridge :D hahaha
happy :-
- about slimy wedges = he will join us to go to yasmin's bday partyyyy .
-kentang is sooo adorable time we're walk back home .
he keep 'meowww-ing' and make a song of that :D :D
ahhh , cant stop staring at him :)
btw , maybe i will update tonight .
talk to you later , wanna online my fb , msn , myspace and open youtube and allkpop :)
byee :]

Thursday, March 4, 2010

electrozootic !

hey yoo !
sorry coz not updating my blog >.<
hahaha , wanna update but dunno watta say :P
exam is overrrrr !!!!
yihaa !
btw just read , bout GD !
oh my GD , he just got a superb expensive louis vuitton sneakers :O
wanna the pic ? hahahah , next time lahh .
folio must past up tmrw .
i got many story to tell u all .
but gtg , talk to ya next time .

Thursday, February 25, 2010


hey people !
how ar ya ? *weirdo
todayyy is soooo coool !
it was raining time me , annur and ainaa pegi skolah :D
thenthen we saw kentang , mcnugget and mcflurry <33
hahahahah . fun fun .
then suddenly BEDEBUKK ...
annur felt down . kat jejantas tuu .
pity you annur :D
hahahahah . and thennn , masuk class visto ( agama time )
yay! fun fun .
hahahah . i tout encik khairul will enter the class but then our 'ustazah' dtg daaaa =.=
haihhhh .
it recess time . me and annur do some funny faces .
hahaha , and then makanmakanmakan .
then ainaa was like "ei , ni carrot eh ?"
that time i was like eating the ice then i said nhoo , fehhuhini haaa (fettucini laa) *silly jokes
then i say "khairun , ckap HA?"
then khai say HA?
then i said fehhuhini haaaa!
----------------------------- ( dunno what to talk )-----------------------------------
balikkkk !
i going back to annur's hse with annur (ofcourse) , ainaa , mcnugget and KENTANG<3
hahahaha , superb fun laaa :D
then i go taipan . my dad wanna buy new aircond for his room -.-
'papa , dah 2 aircond tak cukup sejuk ke ? '
pffft , ADULTS!
hahahahaha .
ada cina hot la kat kdai tuu!
hahahahah . btw i just eat cake just now so now its time to eat some real human food *sakai
byeeeee , talk to you soonn :D

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

yihaaaa !

today okay okay laaa .
morning is superb girl fun day !
hahahaha . sakai =.=
me , khairun and ainaa lepak summit .
i cakap kat my mom , ' mama , kakak nak pegi rumah kawan ' :D
hahahahah , walk about 30 minutes from my hse to summit .
then play bowling ! yay!
i won at the first game but loose at the second game -.-
haihhhh .
so cacat . but better than olahraga training .
syuhadah ( one of my bestie ) said encik sharil talk about me while they all training .
he said ' misha is a good girl actually ' *proudd :D
' but dia ingat dia tu star ke ? nak pilih event sendiri pulak ' =.=
cikgu .. mulut takde insurans kee ?
btw time pegi skolaa .
i saw kentang *winkwink .hahahahah .
duhhh , everyday saw him laa .
then i heard syahmi 'sesak nafas' and fakhrul masuk hospital ( ni season orang sakit ke ? )
pffftt , and and we do science experiment ! *yihaa !
hahahah , im a scientist ( syuhadah and annur said )
hahahah . *proud .
but i still dont understand science -.-
and and we all tak belajar sejarah ! yay!
but kena marah coz late masuk seni class .
chill la cikgu :P
btw thats all from me today .
got many hmwrk waiting for mee :P
tataaaa . ( te amo )